OMOpen3OMOpen [othermenu/sysdisk/…] "[Disk:][folder:]file"§Tells OtherMenu to open a file, a folder, an external or anything else you can see in an OM menu; requires Jim Walker’s OtherMenu 1.4.1 or later and KQ Apple Events"Disk:folder:…:file",Full or partial pathname of the item to open othermenu*Looks for the item in the OtherMenu Foldersysdisk&Looks for the item in the startup diskpanels/Looks for the item in the Control Panels folderapple+Looks for the item in the Apple Menu foldersystem/Looks for the item in the current System folderdesktop7Looks for the item in the startup disk’s desktop foldertrash5Looks for the item in the startup disk’s trash folder
extensions+Looks for the item in the Extensions folderpreferences,Looks for the item in the Preferences folderstartup.Looks for the item in the Startup Items folder